Types of risks
- Specific risks: associated with a specific asset
- Systematic risks: common to all securities
Diversification and Portofolio theory
- Argument:
The theroy assumes that the risk-return profile of a portfoliocan be optimized, where an optimal portfolio displays the lowest possible level of risk for its level of return.
- Variance calculation:
$$\sigma^2 = (\sum_{i=1}^n{w_i\sigma_i})^2$$
$$ \sum_{i=1}^n{w_i} = 1$$
- Strategy:
- Uncorrelated returns:
Select securities whose performance is uncorrelated or negatively correlated
- Portfolio with short sales:
Allow short sales: sell short sells of the lower return asset and use the proceeds to nuy the higher return one(Applying leverage)
- The Portfolio Frontier(visualization):
Represents whether the current portfolio can be optimized to reach the frontier
Competitive Analysis:
- Motivation:
- typical statistical method: only access to all the relevant information
- online problemL continually produces new input and requires answers in response
- Effectiveness analysis:
Comparison object: offers a worst measure of the quality of the behavior of an algorithm which predicts the fufure
- Competitive Ratio: Determine the linear coefficient
ALF(I) $\leq$ c$*$OPT (I) + $\alpha$
- Examples:
- Price searching:
Sell when the price reach the case either the it goes to max or min are OK
RPP(reservation price policy) :
global fluctuation ratio: $\phi = \frac{M}{m}$
competitive ratio: $c = \frac{\sqrt{Mm}}{m} = \sqrt{\phi}$
- Randomized Algorithms:
Make it difficult for an adversary to design a future that is bad for you
- One-way trading
Liquidate my position in a stock -> more flexibility, less market impact, less risks
- Threat-based strategy:
The threat-based strategy sells only when the price hits a new maximum. It sells just enough to ensure that we achieve a competitive ratio of c if the price drops to m for the rest of the game
Randomized Strategies:
- Rebalancing Algorithms(adjust the weights of different stocks):
- Two-way trading:
- Two-way trading is a special case of online portfolio selection where you have only cash and one other security you can hold
- put all your assets into the security on any day it offers positive returns. Otherwise, put everything into cash.
The (n,$\phi$) Adversary: