Nested Quanrifier & Mathmatical Proofs
- 核心即为包含变量的论断(注意只有当变量的取值都确定时才能算命题)
- Domain: 所有变量可能取值的集合
- 真值集合即为所有使 P 为真的变量取值组合
Basic components of predicate logic:- term(逻辑表达式的基本单位,代表个体或者对象)
- functional symbol(基于一个或多个 term 作为输入,构造映射输出)
- predicate symbol(用于表达陈述)
- quantifier and logical connectives
Quantified Statements
Types of quantified statements
- Universal Quantifier 全称量词: $\forall$ For all x P(x)
- Existential Quantifier 存在量词: $\exists$ There exists an element x in the domain such that P(x)
Notice: when the domain is empty, $\forall xP(x) \cup \exists xP(x)$ are false
$\forall xP(x) \text{and}\ \exists xP(x)$ are propositions
Nested Quantifiers
- Definition :
More than one quantifier may be necessary to capture the meaning of a statement in the predicate logic. - Order of Quantifiers:
The order matters if quantifiers are of different type.
The order doesn’t matter if quantifiers are of the same type.
- Negating Nested Quantifier
Mathematical Proofs
A sequence of propositions that end with a conclusion
An argument if valid if the truth of all its premises implies that the conclusion is true(对于 Valid Argument 而言,只要前置条件均满足,结论一定正确)
Rules of Inference
Rules of Inference for Quantified Statements
Proof Type & Method
Formal and Informal
- Formal: follow logically from the set of premises, axioms, lemmas, and other theorems
- Informal: steps are not expressed in any formal language of logic; steps may be skipped; the axioms being assumed and the rules of inference used are not explicitly stated.
Methods of Proving Theorems
- Vacuous Proof: 假设论证的大前提恒假
- Trivial Proof: 假设结论恒真,证明推出的关系恒真
- Quantifiers Proof