Basic Concepts:
- Concept:
Pointers are way of referring to the memory location of a variable.(A variable type)- Geometry understanding: Arrow ->(Points to somewhere)
- Hardware implementation: Pointer memory location stores the location of the variable it points
- Basic Operations:
- Declaring a Pointer:
In brief: * + the specific data type
Reason: The “pointer” by itself is a not a type, instead it is a type constructor
Example:char * my_char
- Assigning a Pointer:
Assign a pointer by specifying the address you want it to point at
Applying & operator
Example:*ptr = &my_char
- Dereferencing a Pointer:
Read the value that the pointer points by dereferencing operator
Dereferecing operator $$*
- Declaring a Pointer:
- Basic operators:
- $$:Derefercing operator
It can read the value that a *pointer points - &:Address operator
It can represent the address a variable stores - They are inverse operators
- $$:Derefercing operator
- Lvalues and Rvalues:
- Lvalues:
The values can be put at the left side of an assigning expression, technically referring to Modifiable Memory Location
It usually includes variables, pointer
Notice: An complex expression can’t be lvalues since it does not have a specific address that can be modified. And &variable can be lvalues - Rvalues:
The values can be put at the right side of an assigning expression
All lvalues can be rvalues, and rvalues must have specific values
- Lvalues:
Review of Memory
- Structure:
0x00000000: NULL
Static data: Store the global variables that are accessible through the file
Heap: Dynamically allocated memory
Stack: Function call and local Variables - Call Convention for LC3-C
- Push parameters(right to left)
- Call the function:
- Leave space for local variables
- Store previous stack frame
- Store return address
- Code
- Set return value
- Restore R7
- Load previous stack frame
- move R6 to return value
- Read the return value
- Pop off the return value
- Location: 0x000000000
- Content: Nothing, it does not point to anything
- Significance:
- Examine the error by checking whether the return value is NULL
- Representing ending
- Initialize pointer
- Security: Segmentation Fault: An error indicates that we attempted to access memory in an invalid way
- Type: void
A void pointer can point to any type of data
But because we don’t know a void* actually points at, it can neither be deferenced nor achieved pointer arithmetic -
NUL is a ASCII character
NULL is a pointer to nothing
“null” is an English word
0 is a number
Special Pointers
- Useful operator:
- . : member access operator, it can help access the object inside a struct
- $*$: dereference operator
- Order difference of pointer to struct:
: Due to the priority, it equals to*(a.p)
, it first evaluates a.p and then dereference that arrow
Notice: it will often result in error because iff a.p is a pointer, it can be dereferrenced. And it’s not the right way to call a object inside a sturct
: it first deference a and then evaluates p in a, it can be simplied asa->b
- Pointers to Pointers
- Add the levels by adding the number of $*$
- Example:
: pointer to an integer pointer
- Const:
- Definition: The variable that we tell the complier that we can’t change
- Notation:
const int x = 3;
- Application in Pointers(Both the data and the pointer can be constant):
- declare a constant data
const int *p = &x;
, in this case we can’t directly revise the value the pointer points by pointers, but we can change where p points.
*p = 4;
is illegal
p = &y;
is legal - declare a constant pointer:
int * const p = &x;
, in this case we can modify the value address &x stores but we can’t revise where p points.
*p = 4;
is legal
p = &y;
is illegal
We can also combine the two:const int * const p = &x;
Typical misunderstanding:
1 2 3
int x = 4; const int *p = &x; x = 4;
This operation is legal, because the two declaration of pointer and variable does not conflict with each other and we don’t try to use pointer p to modify where it points.
And the next is an illegal example:1 2 3
const int x = 4; int * q = &x; *q = 5;
In this case the two declaration conflicts with each other and the complier will print errors.
- declare a constant data
Aliasing and Arithmetic
- Aliasing:
- Definition:
When two or more pointer point to one address, we say they alias with each other. - Danger:
Abuse of pointers may result in many conflicts including wrongly matching the data type of pointer and variables.
- Definition:
- Pointer Arithmetic:
- Meaning: we could do addition for a pointer,which will result in it points to the next data in memory. But this is confusing and we don’t know where it points iff we dereference the new pointer, the complier will produce errors.
- Arithmetic: When adding N to a pointer to any type T, the complier will generate the instructions which add N$$ (the number of bytes for values of type T) to the numeric value of the pointer.
Notice: the offset of pointer arithmetic depends on the specific type of the pointer and addressibility of memory. And x86 is byte-addressable
For multidimensional data, notice that the pointer arithmetic depends on size:
will refer toarray[0][1]
will refer toarray[1][0]
Tip: For multidimensional arrays, we just need to multiply the size of lower dimension for larger index or simply use multiple square brackets